It’s finally here. Circlets and Seekers is available now on all the popular digital platforms!

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You’ve followed Askon and his friends through the battle of their time, through Iramov and his dark army, through betrayal and surprise, through doubt and despair, and magic, because of course there is magic in Vladvir.

Now the old friends return, but it is the new characters I’m most excited for you to meet. I hope you love them (and love to hate them). Their stories are just beginning. The girl from the vision awaits. They all await.

The quickest way to get a copy is the digital version for $4.99. As with Trilogy One, I tried to keep it in the “coffee and a pastry” price range (though these days, it’s more like “a nice coffee if you’re lucky” range). I guarantee it lasts longer than the coffee does, even if you’re a really fast reader.

Here are all the ways you can get a copy online:

PS: Fear not, paperback fans, Volume IV will have a paperback edition to match the first Alora’s Tear trilogy. Unfortunately, there was an error during the proofing process which has caused a slight delay. For that reason, I’ll be holding off on the newsletter until the paperback is available. If you’re on the list, you’ll get a note when they are ready to ship. If you’re not on the list (or can’t remember if you signed up) here’s the link.